How is such a high quality product achieved?
The high quality of flour provided by its own certified laboratory, which enables higher quality, more accurate approach to the definition of wheat quality, which in turn allows you to create high-quality grinding parties. The feedstock is bought on the local market as well as in the North and Central part of Kazakhstan. East Kazakhstan valuable because almost all the climatic zones are here. From the highlands to the dry praries. Accordingly, the wheat grown in our region – is different. Due to the laboratory, it is possible to form the grinding of the party and prepare the grain, which is ideal for grinding. Due to this flour quality is very stable.
Freshly harvested grain, supplied to the plant, takes place post-harvest ripening for at least two to three months before processing, it increases the quality of gluten and baking properties of flour.
Employees of the laboratory stands out all the grain quality using modern, high-precision instruments. The grinding party is composed of grains of different regions, taking into account quality indicators. Four fold grain cleaning is held. Twice at the elevator, from the trach impurities and two fold cleaning in the mill. Accordingly, the grinding is only an elite wheat.

In addition, in the formation of the mill party considered this option as the number of fall (the main indicator for baking bread), the normal value which is 250-300 seconds. The flour produced at the mill, has a falling number 270-350 seconds, which indicates the high quality of the product.
Special attention is paid to the acidity of the flour, non-compliance with the rules which moldy baked product quickly and can quickly become rancid. Mill laboratory strictly controls all quality indicators. After the reconstruction of the mill white flour is much improved relative to standard indicators, which is important for consumers.